Peace - Love - Fun!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Life's Saga

Letting go of the brass ring and the reward it carries
Careening wildly through a kaleidoscope of emotion
Raising spurs of pain that claw against my under-skin
Crazed with misunderstanding and lacking knowledge

I die and live a bit each day – waiting

Lost souls of undetermined destiny
Misguided spirits of meaningless wonder
Desecration of mind and organs willed
Dissemination of passion misplaced

They die and live a bit each day – lost

Future unfolding with sunlight’s glare
Yesterday misleading but guiding the same
Today is tomorrow and holds onto past
Life nonexistent lived by each one

We live in that day with understanding and peace - forgiven

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Terraced Truth

Truth in life is terraced and constructed with instability
Stones of sand are laid with the frailty of human existence
Trepidation consumes the traveler’s soul as life is journeyed
Turning each stone in search of one nugget to hold onto

Truth is sought with vigor
Sadness is our reward
Aching peels away our spirit
Blood destroys our past

Longing for future and what may exist
Seeking a fortune of heart and healing
Moving towards sunlight with fear
Dying inside on the way to who knows

Crying for what never has been
Weeping with scarring passion
Draining the light from within
Hiding in shadows of desperation

Peace not received has been given away
Freedom to move through life unencumbered
Clouds of darkness slip in undetected
Life created is destroyed from day one

Carnival masters move crowds along
Collecting on misery plainly existing
Attractions of spinning reflecting the soul
Nausea simply a state of living this life

Truth not uncovered or existing for one
Absolution a fantasy used as a ransom
Blood reigns through thoughts and feelings
The terrace traversed but dissolving below