The Five is one of the news and opinion shows I try to watch daily. It is hosted by four republican conservatives and one democrat liberal (who gets picked on frequently). Airing daily at 2 P.M., Pacific Time, I am normally able to watch it, or at least part of it.
Today (March 16th) one of the hosts presented on a commentary related to pornography. He commented on how, because of the ease of access and full spectrum of delivery vehicles, pornography is destroying the family. One of the items he mentioned was one most church at tenders will have heard; he said that the more persons view and use pornography (referring mostly to married males by his implication), the less sensitive they are to true sexual interaction with their significant other. Additionally, those who use pornography to a great extent (I am not sure how that is measured) are less able to become emotionally connected to others.
The initial purpose for this topic being breached was a political one, and one which I have no care to engage in, at least here.
We, meaning most of us in the United States, watch an enormous amount of television. The shows we watch vary greatly and range greatly in how they affect our emotions and psyche. However, in my opinion, the fact we watch so much of it rather than interacting in our relationships is damaging.
My question is this, and I sincerely would like your thoughts and/or opinion. When you take some time to think about your own relationship(s) and the amount of television watched in your own home, which has brought more true damage, pornography or television? There is no right answer. I am really just curious after hearing the commentary today.
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