Peace - Love - Fun!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Remember the Ant and the Grasshopper - Aesop

I am not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination. I am, however, a realist when confronting many issues and events. I am blessed with both an analytical sensibility and highly intuitive (some would say empathic) sense, which I have known since my youth. In my adult life I have quietly indicated and predicted several future events. But, more importantly I have known what the economic, social and cultural landscapes would be some years out into the future. I make the points above in brief and minus any real evidence placed before you. I won’t take space here to do so either. I want to be pointed and succinct in what I will say. I have grave concerns for those who believe all will be fine and all the trouble we currently find ourselves in, both as a country and world, will simply fade away with no consequence to most. This, quite emphatically, is not going to be the case. We are in a mess; a designed mess in my opinion. Energy, food, health-care, freedom, privacy, morality, and more are all being confiscated, manipulated and controlled by a small few who want to control and own all things – basically the world. This group uses as one of its tools, the government – at all levels – to slowly gain the ground they seek. The playing field between continents and countries is becoming increasingly leveled as we (the U.S.) surrender freely our dominance in an orchestrated movement to create a one-world, unified people (with equally divided resources) who will in turn require a one-world governing body, which will require one leader. However, I believe we are currently far from this situation coming to full fruition; it is a long process – although exponentially becoming more rapid. I do believe there will be a lot of necessary damage inflicted on the people of this country. This is completely needed if we as a people will ever submit to such an antithetical situation than we have known out entire lives. A weakness must be created in us so the proverbial “they” can “reach down” and rescue us, therefore creating in us an obligation to them. Above, I used the word damage as an umbrella term. Using a bit more detail I will elaborate some – but not much as with extraordinarily little thought on your part, you will quickly recognize these things in your life already and have no need for them pointed out to you in more depth. Food prices have risen exponentially in the past two years. The price of corn alone has risen 30% (at the time of this writing) in the last month. Corn affects the price of a great deal of other products, including beef and chicken, which will see large increases in the near future. My wife has worked in the grocery industry for thirty-seven years and is currently witness to extremely dramatic changes within this industry. Prices will move higher per unit; and they will move higher, faster. The one saving grace (for now) is that it is becoming cheaper to eat healthier and more naturally. I know many of us have enjoyed the lowering of fuel prices lately (although they had falsely doubled in the last three years), but this too will be short-lived. In fact, fuel prices are already back on the rise. A note about fuel prices – seriously give this some thought, other than black and white economics: for decades fuel prices rose timidly and with some relative acceptability. During the last three years though, the price of fuel more than doubled. (NOTE: Rises in fuel always equate to higher food and product prices.) This was planned and orchestrated in order to drive us (no pun intended) to a different way of thinking and new behavior sets. Law enforcement is gaining more and more freedom to reach into our private lives minus warrant or real cause. Companies like Facebook and Google are doing the same thing in order to build data bases for marketing purposes. My firm belief is that someday, somehow, all the information gained by such private companies will be turned over to government and law enforcement bodies. I have no doubt about it. In fact they may already have access to it all. There is no privacy anymore other than remaining in our homes with the windows covered and all technology abandoned. I am not an off-the-grid promoter, but this sort of thing makes those who are completely understandable. Control is being sought and information, as it is said, is power. Power equals control. As I stated, there is a concerted effort on the part of some very powerful people to make life hard for you and me and they will not freely stop until our spirit is crushed. This is truth. Enough. You already know these things and more. So, here is my salient point – prepare. I am in no way saying to go underground or that we are doomed. I do believe we are head for some super tough times before the middle of 2013; maybe sooner than later. Begin now by doing those things you have always been told to do and that instinctively you know you should be doing. If you do not know, then you are one of the ones I mentioned earlier for whom I have grave concern. Store water (four drops of bleach per gallon will purify); buy and store staples such as rice, dried beans and canned foods (fruit, vegetable and meat); have lighters, matches, utility candles, tool kits, first aid kits, fuel for fire (wood, gas, charcoal, coal and so on); purchase soaps, collect seasonings and so on. Doing these things will not have great impact on your budget if you build them up slowly. They will have high impact on your survival and the survival of those you love if you have and maintain them. I even suggest buying real books so you have some form of entertainment and education if the power grid is lost. View your life in its existing state and make attempts to prepare towards maintaining it as you are able if things crash. And they will crash. Move deliberately but at a comfortable pace. There is no need to do everything at once. Thoughtfully plan and then steadily execute.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Television verses Pornography

The Five is one of the news and opinion shows I try to watch daily.  It is hosted by four republican conservatives and one democrat liberal (who gets picked on frequently).  Airing daily at 2 P.M., Pacific Time, I am normally able to watch it, or at least part of it. 

Today (March 16th) one of the hosts presented on a commentary related to pornography.  He commented on how, because of the ease of access and full spectrum of delivery vehicles, pornography is destroying the family.  One of the items he mentioned was one most church at tenders will have heard; he said that the more persons view and use pornography (referring mostly to married males by his implication), the less sensitive they are to true sexual interaction with their significant other.  Additionally, those who use pornography to a great extent (I am not sure how that is measured) are less able to become emotionally connected to others.

The initial purpose for this topic being breached was a political one, and one which I have no care to engage in, at least here. 

We, meaning most of us in the United States, watch an enormous amount of television.  The shows we watch vary greatly and range greatly in how they affect our emotions and psyche.  However, in my opinion, the fact we watch so much of it rather than interacting in our relationships is damaging.

My question is this, and I sincerely would like your thoughts and/or opinion.  When you take some time to think about your own relationship(s) and the amount of television watched in your own home, which has brought more true damage, pornography or television?   There is no right answer.  I am really just curious after hearing the commentary today.

If you like, please leave your comment below.


Where I Long to Be

To grow free as the grass in the open field,
Bent by the gentle breeze moving through the valley,
Fed with the dew given by God’s own hand;
Here is where I long to be

Fashioned by the moving waters of crystal streams,
Tumbled and softened with their cutting currents,
Pushed along by refreshing coolness;
Here is where I long to be

Stroking the sky as the pines crown branches,
Holding firm the fowl seeking their shelter,
Dropping my seed into fertile ground;
Here is where I long to be

Life is a shelter, a turn through time,
Given just once and never repeated
Cherish and grow – find rest in the gift
Leave behind a blessing forever to shine.